Association of Polish Knights of Malta UK
Making a donation
Donations to the Association of Polish Knights of Malta (UK) may be made by completing the PayPal donations form below.
By electronic transfer to:
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
Account No: 01267986
Sort Code: 30-92-01
Account Name: The Association of the Polish Knights of Malta (UK)
By cheque made payable to The Association of the Polish Knights of Malta (UK) and sent to:
The Association of Polish Knights of Malta (UK)
Dr. Marek Stella-Swaicki MBE KM
Widecombe Lodge
2 Brentham Way
London W5 1BJ
United Kingdom
The Association of the Polish Knights of Malta (UK) is a registered UK charity (Reg. Charity 1102122). If you are making a charitable donation in the UK please remember Gift Aid.
Make a donation to APKM UK using PayPal
To make a donation using PayPal just enter the amount you would like to donate to APKM UK and click the red Donate button. Please note that due to PayPal transaction fees the minimum donation amount is £2. You will then be taken to PayPal to complete the transaction. APKM UK website holds no payment card details. |
Thank you for your generous donation |